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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome to Liberty Justice's Verbose Ramblings

Hey all, it's me, Liberty Justice. Due to the sensitive nature of some of my posts which could cost me my job, anger certain relatives, or possibly cause some kind of online backlash - I am writing under a pseudonym. This is a time honored tradition and another way of saying I desire to remain anonymous. No, not that 'Anonymous', but as the term means without my true identity being known.

The main purpose of this blog is so that I have a place to get things off my chest, and even allow for some kind of reaction - be it rebuttal or commentary. Please bear in mind, I understand that some of these posts might result in a flame war, but I ask of all of you who read this to please be respectful and mindful of other people's opinions. I am a mature blogger and I am hoping for a mature audience, or at least one that will be respectful of my opinions.

In no way do I mean in any of my posts to be offensive or sound off color, but from time to time, I may quote or say things that may make you think that. I comment on everything from politics, to shopping, to anime, to whatever I feel like talking about. Let's just have some fun with our Second Amendment rights to free speech and freedom of the press. And yes, Liberty Justice is from the USA, but prefers to not elaborate much further.

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Post as you like, just try to be respectful.